Over a three year time period, Wyrick created three more DVD productions of similar length. The four separate DVDs now formed the basis of the final XapVision Nature Scenes product.
Listening to the incredibly positive feedback from a huge variety of viewers, Wyrick made the decision to combine all four DVDs into one Super-Length DVD.
This makes the viewing experience of XapVision Nature Scenes DVD the ultimate tour of nature, with NEARLY THREE HOURS of relaxing scenes and sounds of nature
XapVision Nature Scenes was originally developed for the University
of Iowa Hospital’s Department of Orthopaedics waiting room, to create
a more relaxing and stress free environment for patients and visitors.
Filmmaker Lane Wyrick spent several weeks filming a wide variety
of scenes and sounds of nature durring the summer of 2001 and then
several weeks in the editing process to create the first of four productions.
The first XapVision Nature Scene production was installed in the
Orthopedics waiting room at the University of Iowa Hospitals in
Iowa City on September 26, 2001, utilizing a 50" Plasma Display
and automated DVD player, and has become an elegant, entertaining,
and stress-relieving visual centerpiece for the room.